Tuesday, January 1, 2008

some girls don't like cheap bastards, but some may love their photos...

Hopefully (fingers crossed)...

Anyway, today I tried a technique I have heard of before, but never tried. In order for a photo to be truly "macro," one must make the image appear larger than life on the film/sensor. Now, one way to do this is to go buy a fancy-pants macro lens with a ratio of 1:1 or better (1:2,5,3*10^45, whatever). two other alternative methods exist to create this magnification as well.

The first method is to use an extension tube (which can be bought or made) and put a reversed lens on the end away from the camera. Another method (the one I used) is to throw a reversed lens in front of a normally mounted lens and voila! This is what you get:

and with a DoF like this, one can't resist an easy photoshop merge!!!

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