Friday, May 30, 2008


and no, its not on the M-35 or the camp road.

The other day my laptop finally keeled over. Its had a boot sector error since last June and I figured it would go eventually but its been working fine since then. So I won't be posting nearly as frequently. Also, I will become ITaP's worst nightmare come true. I expect them to have it working again with my data recovered within a week of me bringing it in when I get back to school.

Until then I'll have to come up with some way to store pictures from the summer, maybe someone at camp will let me burn them onto DVD's... hopefully

At this point the only good thing to come out of this is the final push I needed to make the decision to sell both my laptop (once its fixed) and my desktop and buy a mac book pro - then all will be right with the world... maybe.

and here is another ellipses for good measure...

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