I watched this clip about the "Marlboro Marine" and dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder. This sort of film has an emotional impact on most people, however I felt it double since one of my best friends just left today for 13 weeks of boot camp for the United States Marine Corps.
I know that D.J. is strong of mind and spirit and I know that he will accomplish many great things and lead a great career in the Marines. However I will keep your health and safety in my thoughts as I look forward to seeing you again and to better times.
This video is not of D.J. nor am I worried that this may happen to him. I am posting the link to this video as a reminder to everyone else of what our soldiers are going through overseas and what happens to them when they go home. Please watch this video and help others realize that these veterans are people as well.
The Marlboro Marine
"How I feel a bout the war today I can sum up in one question - the same question that can be asked for vietnam - what have we gained as a country? What have we actually accomplished other than the loss of some damn fine people, people willing to give their life for the country that we have, for this nation, for the freedom that we have?"
"Most people want to help a returned vet by celebrating them coming home. The question that needs to be asked instead of, you know, hey can I throw you a party? Can I buy you a beer? The question that needs to be asked is, you know, hey how are you doing? How are you feeling? You know, is there anything I can do to help?"
"D.C. was a slap in the face... I couldn't understand how a [congressman] in that type of job couldn't take 5, 10 minutes out of his day to speak to someone who had fought for everything this country stands for."
"He looked through the scope a lot, he pulled the trigger and I think that he just saw a lot of carnage - a lot of body parts exploding - and I can see why that would haunt you in your dreams."
"I think you're wounded pretty badly."
D.J., have a great time at boot camp, I look forward to seeing you soon.

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