Monday, November 3, 2008


My body is back at school now, but my mind is still stuck in Wyoming. I am still trying to process all of the information I received this last week at Base Camp! I can't wait to get back behind the lens (and I won't have to wait long, I'm part of the coverage team for the Exponent for the Election - but its just not the same). I've been going through my images and picking out the keepers - there aren't as many as I'd like to see, but there is a lot to learn from the mistakes.

I have been going through my shots more critically and viewing all the mistakes I made is helping me to focus my mind while I'm staring down the viewfinder. My composition is a bit sloppy in quite a few frames. I think that part of that was my excitement to photograph animals I've only seen on TV.

Another aspect of my photography that I have noticed from last week is my landscape skill (or lack thereof). I plan on attending a DLWS in the next year or so, and in the meantime I will be working on my editing skills.

I am more excited now about photography than ever before. Over the next few weeks I am going to be trying my hand at writing from my files from Base Camp. And doing some self assignments - I've got a few Ideas I've been toying with, but haven't tried yet.

An interesting business opportunity has come my way today and I will begin looking into it a little more deeply next week when things settle back down.

On Sunday I was fortunate enough to be able to go to Jasper-Pulaski State Fish and Wildlife Area (say that five times fast) to photograph Greater Sandhill Cranes. unfortunately the light was a bit finicky (and in front of me...) but I think I managed Okay.

When Moose said if you don't take your longest lens you are going to come back short - he wasn't kidding either - these are 200-400mm w/ TC14E shots...

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