Saturday, November 8, 2008

Thanks Strobist, and Moose!

I have been playing around with speedlights for the last year now, but have not really had an opportunity to put them to a real world PJ style test. This morning I got an assignment to get a portrait of an astronaut (we don't do a lot of portrait work, so I jumped on this one).

I got the the venue and it turned out to be a shooting nightmare. we were constantly moving from building to building, high ceilings, the weirdest color incandescent lights i've ever seen, daylight bleeding in through large windows, and of course, no time to set up my brolly and stand.

I asked the (for lack of a better term) handler if I could get two minutes to do a quick portrait (instead of the run and gun mediocrity i had already) and was denied. So I ran ahead of the group, got to the next destination about a minute before everyone else, set up my stand and umbrella and got one test shot of my hand in as the rest of the party strolled through the door.

I got the astronaut to come over to me for a second, told him where to stand and click click I got two frames before he left - and the best shot of the whole morning. It wouldn't have happened without Strobist - Thanks!

And of course, thank you Moose for sticking a couple of ratios in my head, the shot would have turned out pretty flat otherwise!


Steven Seligman M.D. said...

could have done 5 shot pano

Michael Carney said...

lol, probably

Anonymous said...

Thought you used strobes with this picture. It was so small in the paper I wasn't sure. It looks good.

Michael Carney said...

yeah i was real dissapointed with the print quality of that picture. the polo strobes added a nice touch, gj on that.