Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Akaroa pt1

This last weekend I went to Akaroa on the Banks peninsula for some wildlife shooting, country touring, and of course landscape photos. I took 11GB of photos in one day, I haven't done that since October! here is the first bit:

The Marie Ann is one of the last two fishing vessels still operating in Akaroa Harbor

There are only about 7000 hectors dolphins left in the wild - and about 75 of them live in and around Akaroa Harbor. These marine mammals are about 6 feet long, fast as anything I've seen, and stupid hard to get a picture of...

Spotted Shag flying over the water in Akaroa Harbor

Black and White Shag hanging out on the rocks on the East coast of the harbor

One of the blocks controlling the sails on our vessel: the Fox II.

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