Monday, December 24, 2007

I hate work, and no longer hate PP

Being a barista is probably one of the easiest jobs known to man, you can honestly train a monkey to do my job. That drives me insane. Of course, being a barista means plenty of downtime as well - time I can spend reading magazines while at the B&N. One such periodical I was Perusing happened to be the UK's Digital Photo December issue. This issue discussed techniques involved with Post Process and black and white [digital] photography. I have now come to the ultimate realization that post processing can help enhance an image without destroying it (as I have managed to do before). I have thus changed my view on the subject and my personal feelings about it as well.

I have no problem with technique based digital post processing. I use the term "technique based" because I feel that really, if you don't know what you are doing, and you just mess around, its really not post processing, but making a series of mistakes that may, may, lead to an interesting looking image that came about without a previous desire in mind. So as long as the artist has a vision of what they want their photograph to look like, I have no problem with them using the tools they know best to achieve this. As for dicking around with random filters and such, well I guess thats one way to eventually learn the techniques.

So, now that I have written the longest post to date, I will post a few of my pictures that I have edited with Photoshop. All of these images have been posted before in this blog.

tl;dr I dont mind PP as long you know what you're (I am) doing and you have a specific goal in mind. Working in a coffee shop sucks.

I like the black and white version of this triptych for its contrast, but I also like the color version for its vivid-ness

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