As many of you may know I am currently a student at Purdue studying Wildlife and Forestry. I picked these majors for the following reasons (respectively): I want to be outside - constantly, and I want to get a job. However in this great plan of mine, I have left little to no room for my favorite hobby: photography.
Now I think I've got this pegged down. I plan on finishing both of my degrees (in 2010 hopefully...). After that I've got a 5-10 year plan. Move out west, fight fires in the summer, live off that for things like food, rent, etc., and spend the other 7-8 months of the year doing what I want to do. Backpacking, climbing, and most importantly working on my photography.
The real reason for this post is to inform my small audience (like Tom and Jimmy)that I will no longer be using this site as a resource for facebook profile pictures and stupid stuff I do on the weekends. Instead I will be concentrating on making it more of an actual portfolio that I may use in the future (ie pointing an employer towards it).
That being said, this by no means is a message saying I'm not going to take my camera everywhere and take pictures of the stupid stuff I do on the weekends - however I more than likely will not post them on the blog. I also still refuse to post those pictures on facebook (as this has been a source of a sharp pain in my rear-end for quite a while). The alternative I will be offering is that I will post these pictures on my flickr account (which is linked through my profile).
Well with that in mind, here goes one last hurrah from my "pix from the internet" folder...

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