Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tuesday: Moose Sightings!

Sorry for not posting last night, but the internet went down here at the hotel.

We had a full day today (yesterday, whatever...)

The day started off amazing with a bald eagle perching just above where we parked to take out our equipment. We drove through a small herd of elk cows and shot from the car, headed to Lower Yellowstone Falls to do some landscape work, Stopped on the road to shoot a Blue Grouse (I bet the people driving by were really confused...), continued on to West Thumb and shot endangered Trumpeter Swans in the Yellowstone River.

[I take in a deep breath...]

Then when we got to West Thumb we played around in the West Thumb sub-caldera-esque area, drove through a herd of bison on the way back to the west entrance, then - the icing on the cake - saw a relative of Moose's - an actual Moose! Moose in Yellowstone have become more and more rare since the reintroduction of wolves in 1995. I don't know about you, but I definitely see the resemblance.

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