Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday: Wile E. Coyote and Porky Pine

Now all we needed to see was the RoadRunner to have a looney tunes trifecta today!

This Coyote has been fed so many times by passers by, that he has lost most of his fear of people and simple works the roads/parking lots between Madison and Norris for free hand-outs. Once we figured this out, coaxing him in by making throwing motions and rustling plastic wrappers was of no problem.

On the way out of the park this morning, we were tipped off to this little critter by a visitor who had pulled over to get a picture of him. He was very shy and didn't give us a lot to work with, but man, they are way more green over here than in the U.P. for some reason...

However, I cannot post about today without mentioning the great sunrise we had to greet us. This is the steam coming off of the madison river, however Moose captured the sunrise the best (from what I've seen)

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